Counseling for Anxiety and ADHD
“Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.”
— Swedish proverb
Anxious. Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Irritated. Done.
You are trying to balance all the things, and it just isn’t working so well anymore. Everything feels overwhelming, and the only feeling you really notice anymore is exhaustion. You care about your job and your relationships, but none of the satisfaction you used to get from those things seems to light you up like they did before, and now it doesn’t even feel like you are doing what you care about as well as you could.
You are noticing yourself snapping at the other people in your life - who you really care about - and sometimes shutting down completely. It sometimes feels like others don’t really understand you, and you don’t entirely trust them with all the things you feel anyway. You might be feeling some tension in the relationships closest to you, and you can’t remember the last time things felt good between you. And outside the house? You might be avoiding people because it feels like a lot of work to fit in and it’s more of a relief to stay home and get lost in your phone, tv, or something else.
You know you need a change, and it feels hard.
You know you’ve been needing to do something different, and honestly the work to change just feels so. goddamn. hard. It feels deeper than just needing to vent. This isn’t your first rodeo, and you’ve probably tried therapy before. It felt good to talk things out, but you aren’t sure it helped you make a lot of lasting changes. You want a space where you can let down all walls and masks and really feel understood - even if that feels truly frightening.
I help when you look fine on the outside, but inside you are falling apart.
I help people with anxiety who look like they are doing fine on the outside, but on the inside have learned to avoid the hard feelings with lots of protective walls. Through therapy, my clients get to experience a deep felt sense of safety that makes it a little bit easier to get through the pain. As the anxiety and anger eases, you can slowly bring down those walls, and slowly you begin to see changes in relationships, your work, and most importantly, in how you see and feel about yourself.
I’m not the therapists you just vent about your week. I’ll ask hard questions and sit with you through the pain so you can start living your life in a more real way. I will laugh with you, and lovingly call you on your shit. We are going to make connections between today’s anxiety and the skills you learned to survive.